Ever since the forest fire I’ve had a hard time writing anything other than blog posts. I can do blog posts just fine – they come naturally to me.
What’s not so easy is to write creatively – like poems, stories, memoirs and novels. That seemed to fly out the window when my home burned down. I lost boxes full of songs (every one I ever wrote) and short stories. It left me thinking something akin to – “What’s the point?”
I need to try again. I want to do it on this blog. I want to just put it out there without waiting for publication. Why wait? I’m seventy, for goodness sakes. It doesn’t make sense to keep my writing in boxes to be burned and never appreciated by anyone.
So this blog will be the publication place.
I once wanted to have a small press business – and that’s why I bought this URL. But I’ve long ago given up that dream.
To be honest, everything depends on Jesus. What does HE want? That’s really all that matters to me anymore. He will arrange things the way He wants them and that’s okay. His will be done in my life.
Meanwhile – creative lapses. I must power through them to be the writer I prefer to be.
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