Lord Almighty..
I just got a great writing prompt. I’m to write a note of thanks to my favorite creative person. You came to mind.
Lord, I am so grateful for the way you made us. I am grateful to You for making us. I know that this earth and everything you created here are your works of art. You are the most creative being among us, and I know there is so much more to discover about You and your amazing creations.
I see that you’ve put your love of creativity into human beings as well. I treasure that, Lord, and thank you for it. I pray that whatever I do, whatever I create, whatever project I work on, it is all to glorify and please You. That would be the best use of my creativity.
I know the prompt said to write to my favorite creative person, but Lord, I couldn’t choose just one human being as that would mean excluding many others. So I chose You – the source of all the creativity, and the most amazing One I could possibly honor.
Please accept my humble yearning to be creative, and help me improve my skills in writing, editing and art. I trust You to lead me; none other.
Thanks for opening my eyes and heart to Your presence!
In Jesus Name,
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